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Top 10 Cheapest States for Car Insurance

Written by Allison Martin

Allison Martin is a personal finance enthusiast and a passionate entrepreneur. With over a decade of experience, Allison has made a name for herself as a syndicated financial writer. Her articles are published in leading publications, like, Bankrate, The Wall Street Journal, MSN Money, and Investopedia. When she’s not busy creating content, Allison travels nationwide, sharing her knowledge and expertise in financial literacy and entrepreneurship through interactive workshops and programs. She also works as a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI) dedicated to helping people from all walks of life achieve financial freedom and success.

Updated December 18, 2023​

10 min. read​

cheapest states for car insurance

When searching for car insurance, it’s important to know which states offer the most affordable rates. The cost of car insurance varies significantly across the United States, with factors such as state regulations, population density and weather conditions playing a significant role in determining premiums.

States like Ohio, New Hampshire, and North Carolina are known for having some of the most affordable car insurance rates, boasting average premiums at least 40 percent lower than the national average. On the other hand, some states, like Florida and Louisiana, have higher car insurance costs due to their unique circumstances.

By understanding these regional differences in car insurance costs, you can make more informed decisions when choosing a policy. Whether you’re relocating or purchasing insurance for the first time, knowing the cheapest states for car insurance can help you find the best coverage at the most affordable price and maximize your dollars.

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Average Car Insurance Costs in the U.S.

When evaluating car insurance costs, it’s helpful to be aware of the national average. According to 2022 data from Bankrate, the average cost of car insurance in the United States is $1,771 per year for full coverage and $545 per year for minimum coverage. As previously mentioned, these rates can vary significantly by state, with factors such as traffic density, weather conditions, and local regulations playing an important role in determining your premiums.

In some of the cheapest states for car insurance, like Ohio, Maine and Idaho, you can expect lower average rates due to factors such as lower population density, fewer instances of car theft and smaller claim payouts. On the other hand, states like Florida, Louisiana and Delaware have the most expensive average car insurance rates, which can be attributed to factors like high rates of vehicle theft, fraudulent injury claims and no-fault insurance laws.

Your personal car insurance costs will depend on several factors, including your age, driving history, and the make and model of your vehicle. Maintaining a clean driving record and choosing a car with high safety ratings can significantly reduce your premiums. Furthermore, it’s essential to shop around and compare rates from multiple insurance providers to confirm you’re getting the best deal and most comprehensive coverage for your needs.

Remember that the national average is just one aspect of understanding car insurance costs in the U.S., and you should always consider your own situation when evaluating your insurance needs. By staying informed and diligent about your coverage options, you can make the best decisions for your unique circumstances.

What Factors Influence the Price of Car Insurance?

Car insurance is a legal requirement in most states, and it is essential to protect yourself and others on the road. However, the cost of car insurance can vary widely depending on several factors. Here are some of the key components that can influence the price of your car insurance policy.

  • Driving record: Your driving record is one of the most significant factors that can impact your car insurance rates. Insurance companies use your driving history to assess the risk of insuring you. If you have a clean record with no accidents or traffic violations, you are considered a low-risk driver, and you will likely pay lower premiums. By contrast, if you have a history of risky driving behavior, such as speeding tickets, accidents, or DUIs, you will likely pay higher rates. If you have a poor driving record, it is essential to take steps to improve it, such as taking a defensive driving course or avoiding risky behavior on the road.
  • Credit history: Your credit score can also impact your car insurance rates. Insurers view individuals with good or excellent credit as more responsible and less likely to file claims. If you have a healthy credit score, you may be eligible for lower car insurance costs. But if you have a poor credit history, you may be charged higher premiums. It is essential to monitor your credit score regularly and take steps to improve it if necessary.
  • Coverage selections: The types and amounts of coverage you choose will also directly affect the cost of your policy. Liability coverage is required by law in most states, and it covers damages to other people and their property if you are at fault in an accident. Opting for higher liability limits can increase your rates, but it can also provide more protection in case of an accident. Comprehensive and collision coverage are optional but can be valuable if you have a newer or more expensive vehicle. Additional protections, like roadside assistance or rental car reimbursement, can also increase your rates.
  • Deductible amount: The deductible is the amount you agree to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. Choosing a higher deductible typically results in lower premiums, as it shifts some of the risk to you. Conversely, a lower deductible leads to higher rates because the insurance company takes on more responsibility for potential claims. It is essential to choose a deductible that you can afford to pay if you need to file a claim.
  • Car make and model: The type of vehicle you drive is one of the most significant factors that can impact your car insurance rates. Insurers consider factors such as the cost of repairs, safety ratings and the likelihood of theft when determining the price of your policy. Luxury, high-performance, and newer vehicles often lead to higher premiums because they are more expensive to replace or repair. These types of vehicles may also be appealing to thieves, which puts your vehicle at risk of being vandalized or stolen. Older or more affordable vehicles may lead to lower premiums because they are less expensive to repair or replace.
  • Age and driving experience: Your age and driving experience can also impact your car insurance rates. Younger and less experienced drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents, so insurance companies charge them higher rates. Generally, car insurance rates decrease as you gain experience and maintain a good driving record. If you are a new driver or have a history of accidents or traffic violations, you may be charged higher premiums. However, if you have a clean driving record and have been driving for several years, you could be eligible for lower rates.
  • Location: Your ZIP code can also play a role in determining your car insurance costs. Certain areas may have higher rates of accidents, thefts, or natural disasters, which can increase the risk of filing a claim. Urban areas with heavy traffic and higher crime rates can result in higher premiums compared to rural or suburban locations. Additionally, if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes or tornadoes, you may be charged higher premiums to account for the increased risk of damage to your vehicle.
  • Other factors: There are several other factors that can influence the price of your car insurance policy. For example, if you have a long commute or use your vehicle for business purposes, you may be charged higher rates. Plus, if you have a history of filing claims, you may be considered a higher risk and charged higher premiums. Your marital status, gender and occupation can also impact your car insurance rates, although these factors are not as significant as others.

By familiarizing yourself with these factors that influence the price of car insurance, you can take steps to improve your driving record, maintain a good credit score and make informed decisions about coverage options to potentially reduce your premiums.

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Understanding State-by-State Differences in Car Insurance Rates

As you explore car insurance rates, you’ll notice that they can vary significantly from one state to another. Several factors contribute to these differences, including state laws, population density and even the number of uninsured drivers on the road.

In states with high population density, like New York, car insurance rates tend to be more expensive. This is primarily due to a higher risk of accidents and traffic violations, resulting in increased claims for insurance companies. On the other hand, states with less population and lower traffic incidents, such as Idaho, typically have cheaper car insurance rates.

State laws and regulations also play a significant role in determining car insurance rates. Each state sets its own minimum coverage requirements, which can influence the overall cost of insurance. For example, states with no-fault laws, where each driver’s insurance company pays for their own damages and injuries, can have higher premiums because of the increased claim payout amounts. By contrast, states with cheaper coverage requirements, like Ohio and Maine, tend to have lower car insurance rates.

Another factor that affects car insurance rates is the prevalence of uninsured drivers in the state. High rates of uninsured drivers may cause insurance companies to raise premiums to compensate for potential losses. However, states with low unemployment rates and effective uninsured driver laws are more likely to have lower average insurance rates, such as North Carolina and Vermont.

To find the most affordable car insurance in your state, it’s essential to compare rates from multiple insurance companies and consider the factors that influence the cost of coverage in your area. Being informed about state-by-state differences in car insurance rates helps you make the best decisions for your financial situation and insurance needs.

How State Laws Affect Car Insurance Rates

As aforementioned, state Laws play an integral role in determining car insurance rates. Each state has its own regulations and requirements for car insurance, which can impact the cost of coverage. For example, some states require drivers to have higher liability coverage limits than others, which can increase premiums. Plus, some states have no-fault insurance laws, which require drivers to carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage regardless of who is at fault in an accident. This type of coverage can be expensive, leading to higher insurance rates in those states.

It is important to note that some states also allow insurance companies to use credit scores when determining rates, while others prohibit this practice. Understanding the laws and regulations in your state can help you make informed decisions about your car insurance coverage and potentially lower your premiums.

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The Role of Traffic Conditions

Traffic conditions play a significant role in determining car insurance rates across states. If you live in a state with congested highways and frequent accidents, you’ll likely face higher insurance premiums. High traffic volumes also lead to increased chances of collisions and accidents, making it riskier for insurance companies. So, when selecting a state to reside in, consider how the traffic conditions could impact your car insurance rates.

Economic Conditions and Crime Rates

Another factor affecting car insurance rates is the economic conditions of a state, including crime rates. Insurance companies are cautious about states with high crime rates, as they may have more incidents of theft, vandalism, and fraud. As a result, drivers in states like Florida, Louisiana and Delaware face higher insurance premiums due to local crime rates. Be aware of the economic conditions in your area and how they can influence your car insurance costs.

Impact of Local Weather Patterns

Local weather patterns can also have a significant impact on car insurance rates. States prone to severe weather, such as floods, hurricanes, or hailstorms, tend to have higher insurance premiums due to the increased risk of damage to vehicles. To illustrate, coastal states often have higher premiums because of their vulnerability to hurricanes and flooding. So, take into account your state’s weather patterns when considering your car insurance costs.


Lastly, the level of competition among insurance providers in a state also influences car insurance rates. States with competitive insurance markets have more national and regional providers, which can lead to more competitive pricing. So, try to find a state with a strong, competitive insurance market to potentially secure better car insurance rates.

Remember, understanding how state laws and factors like traffic, crime rates, weather and competition impact car insurance rates can help you make better decisions in choosing a state to live in and anticipating your insurance costs. Keep these factors in mind when reviewing your car insurance options.

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Top 10 Cheapest States for Car Insurance

Below is a breakdown of the states where you can find the most affordable car insurance premiums. The figures are from an in-depth analysis conducted by US News.

New Hampshire

In New Hampshire, you can expect to find some of the lowest car insurance rates in the country. With an average annual cost of $940, it’s an excellent option if you’re looking to save on your policy. Make sure to compare quotes from different companies to find the cheapest car insurance rates for your specific situation.


Maine is another affordable option, with an average annual car insurance cost of $992. With beautiful landscapes and lower traffic density, it’s no wonder that Maine boasts some of the cheapest car insurance rates in the US. As always, it’s essential to shop around and compare quotes to find the best deal for your needs.


Ohio offers car insurance rates that are significantly lower than the national average, with an average annual cost of $1,010. As you search for the cheapest car insurance in Ohio, keep in mind that your driving record, vehicle, and other factors will affect your final premium.


In Virginia, you can expect to pay an average annual car insurance cost of $1,066. Known for its historical landmarks and beautiful nature, Virginia has relatively affordable car insurance rates. Make sure to compare quotes from multiple insurance companies to find the most affordable option for your needs.


Idaho boasts low car insurance rates, with an average annual cost of $1,118. The state’s low population density plays a role in keeping car insurance rates low. As with any state, gathering multiple quotes is important to ensure you’re getting the best deal on your car insurance.


Iowa is known for its low car insurance rates, thanks to a combination of factors such as low population density and a lower number of claims. Iowa is among the states with the lowest average monthly car insurance costs. Remember to compare quotes and coverage options to find the best policy for your needs.

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North Carolina

North Carolina offers competitive car insurance rates, with an average annual cost of $1,124. As you search for the cheapest car insurance, keep in mind that rates will vary based on factors such as your driving record, vehicle, and location.


Vermont has low car insurance rates, with an average annual cost of $1,145. Known for its beautiful landscapes and outdoor activities, Vermont can help you save on your car insurance. Make sure to compare quotes from multiple insurance companies to find the most affordable option for your needs.


Wisconsin offers affordable car insurance, with an average annual cost of $1,169. As you search for the cheapest car insurance in Wisconsin, make sure to compare quotes from different companies and consider factors such as coverage options and discounts available.


Indiana rounds out the top 10 cheapest states for car insurance, offering affordable rates for drivers. While specific rates will vary based on factors such as your driving history and vehicle, Indiana is a good option for those looking to save on car insurance. As always, comparing quotes from multiple insurance companies is essential to ensure you’re getting the best deal possible.

Tips for Lowering Your Car Insurance Regardless of Your State

Keeping car insurance costs low is important for every driver. You can adopt several strategies to help lower your auto insurance rates, regardless of which state you reside in. Here’s why it’s important to practice safe driving, maximize discounts and savings, shop around and use tools like Experian Auto Insurance to help keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket.

The Benefits of Safe Driving

Maintaining a clean driving record is one of the most effective ways to keep your car insurance rates low. Insurance companies often reward safe drivers with lower premiums.

Avoiding accidents traffic violations, and adhering to speed limits can help you maintain lower car insurance rates over time. Keeping your driving record clean for three to five years can also lead to even greater savings.

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Maximizing Discounts and Savings

Another strategy to lower your car insurance costs is to take advantage of discounts and savings available from your insurance provider. Many insurance companies offer discounts for various factors, such as good student discounts, safe driver discounts, and bundling your car insurance with other policies like homeowners or renters insurance.

Talk to your insurance agent to find out which discounts you may qualify for, and make sure to keep your coverage levels tailored to your specific needs to avoid overpaying for full coverage car insurance.

How Shopping Around Can Save You Money

Shopping around for car insurance is another effective way to save money on your policy. Comparing quotes from multiple insurance companies will allow you to find the best rates and coverage options for your needs.

Spend some time researching and comparing quotes from several insurers to ensure that you are getting the most affordable car insurance available. Remember that it’s essential to compare not only the price but also the coverage levels and customer service reputation of the insurer.

Experian Auto Insurance

Leveraging tools such as Experian Auto Insurance can also help you find affordable car insurance. Experian’s free auto insurance comparison tool makes it easy to compare insurance policies from a variety of insurers. Using this tool, you can quickly gather quotes, compare coverage levels and make an informed decision about your car insurance coverage. Plus, it’s worth understanding how credit works and improving your credit score with Experian to potentially access better insurance rates.

Visit the website to learn more. Also, consider signing up for a free account to access your credit report and credit score.

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