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Should You Cash Out Refinance to Pay Off Debt?

Written by Allison Martin

Allison Martin is a personal finance enthusiast and a passionate entrepreneur. With over a decade of experience, Allison has made a name for herself as a syndicated financial writer. Her articles are published in leading publications, like, Bankrate, The Wall Street Journal, MSN Money, and Investopedia. When she’s not busy creating content, Allison travels nationwide, sharing her knowledge and expertise in financial literacy and entrepreneurship through interactive workshops and programs. She also works as a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI) dedicated to helping people from all walks of life achieve financial freedom and success.

Updated May 14, 2024​

9 min. read​

cash out refinance to pay off debt

Are you considering a cash-out refinance to help streamline the debt payoff process? It could be a sound idea if you have enough equity in your home and can secure a new mortgage with more attractive terms than you currently have. Read on to learn more about how cash-out refinances work, how they can alleviate the added stress of paying off debt on your own and how to decide if this type of loan is right for you.

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What is Cash Out Refinance?

A cash-out refinance is a type of strategy that allows you to access the equity in your home by acquiring a new mortgage for more than what you currently owe on your property. It involves replacing your existing mortgage with a new home loan, which gives you the opportunity to withdraw a portion of your home equity in the form of cash. You can use the loan proceeds to pay off high-interest debt, finance home improvements or cover other significant expenses.

Who are Ideal Candidates for Refinancing to Pay Off Debt?

It’s worth considering a cash-out refinance to pay off debt if you meet any of these criteria:

  • You have a strong credit score: A credit score of at least 680 is ideal if you want to get the best deal on a new loan. If your credit score is lower, you could still get approved, but you likely won’t qualify for the best interest rates and terms.
  • You have sufficient home equity: If you have at least 20 percent equity built up in your home, you could be an ideal candidate for a cash-out refinance. Some lenders may be a bit more lenient, but this is the standard benchmark across the board.
  • You have consistent income: Lenders want reassurance that you can handle the new loan payments. A steady and verifiable source of income, along with a reasonable debt-to-income (DTI) ratio, provides proof that you have the means and ability to pay each month.
  • You understand the long-term costs: You’ve already done the math and understand that a cash-out refinance might extend the mortgage payoff timeline. Although you’ll only have a single monthly mortgage payment to worry about, you may pay far more in interest by using a cash-out refinance. The latter is especially true if you get a longer loan term, as the lender has more time to collect from you.
  • You have a plan: The best candidates for refinancing to pay off debt have a plan to keep history from repeating itself once the balances are gone. This could include cutting up credit cards, minimizing spending or sticking to a budget and implementing time-sensitive financial goals to ensure you do so.
  • You’ve done a cost-benefit analysis: This means you’ve weighed the closing costs and fees associated with a cash-out refinance against the benefits to determine that it makes sense for your financial situation.
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When to Consider Cash-Out Refinances

When determining if a cash-out refinance is right for you, it’s essential to evaluate your current financial standing. Start by assessing your home equity. Ideally, you should have at least 20 percent equity in your home to access a cash-out refinance. For example, if your home is worth $300,000 and you owe $200,000, you’d have $100,000 in equity, making you eligible for a cash-out refinance.

You should also consider the new loan terms that come with a cash-out refinance. These include a potentially lower interest rate and an extended repayment period. A lower interest rate can lead to long-term savings, making it a suitable option for paying off debts such as credit cards, medical bills or student loans. However, extending the term of your loan may increase the total interest you’ll pay since the lender will have more time to collect from you.

Another factor to consider is the current interest rate environment. If rates decrease in the near future, it could be an ideal time to consider a cash-out refinance. So, keep an eye on market trends and consult with a financial professional to ensure you’re making an informed decision.

Remember that a cash-out refinance is not the only solution to access funds or pay off debts. You may want to explore alternative methods, such as home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) or personal loans. Ultimately, it’s essential to find the option that aligns best with your financial goals and situation.

Example of Cash-Out Refinance

Suppose you own a house worth $300,000 and still owe $100,000 on your mortgage. In this scenario, you have $200,000 in home equity. A cash-out refinance allows you to tap into this equity by refinancing your existing mortgage for a new, larger loan amount. The difference between the old and new loans is then distributed to you as cash.

To illustrate, assume you decide to refinance your mortgage with a cash-out amount of $30,000. You would be applying for a new mortgage loan of $130,000 ($100,000 remaining balance plus $30,000 cash-out). After closing the new loan, you receive the $30,000 in cash, which you can use to pay off credit card debt or make other necessary financial adjustments.

When considering a cash-out refinance, it’s important to keep in mind that the loan-to-value ratio (LTV) plays a crucial role. Typically, lenders allow you to borrow up to 80 percent of your home’s value minus any outstanding mortgage balance. In this example, your maximum allowed LTV would be $240,000 (80 percent of $300,000). Deducting the remaining mortgage balance leaves you with $140,000 as the potential cash-out amount.

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Can You Use Cash-Out Refinance to Pay Off Debt?

Yes, you can use a cash-out refinance to pay off debt, including credit card debt and other high-interest loans. However, it is essential to consider that a cash-out refinance usually comes with closing costs and may extend the term of your mortgage. Before deciding on this option, you should carefully evaluate your financial situation and consider other debt repayment strategies.

When choosing to use a cash-out refinance for debt consolidation, keep in mind that you are essentially transferring your unsecured debt, such as credit card debt, to a secured debt. This means that your home is now collateral for the new mortgage. If you fail to make payments on time, you risk losing your home to foreclosure.

How Cash Out Refinance Can Help Alleviate Debt

A cash-out refinance is a financial strategy that can help you manage your debt. It enables you to replace your current mortgage with a new one under improved terms while also providing you with an additional lump sum of cash in the process. This essentially means you’re taking out a new loan for more than your existing mortgage balance.

By using a cash-out refinance, you can leverage the equity in your home to obtain the funds needed to pay off high-interest debts, such as credit cards or personal loans. This can help reduce your overall monthly payments, improve your cash flow and potentially increase your credit score by reducing your credit utilization.

Factors that Influence Debt Payoff through Cash-Out Refinancing

While cash-out refinancing can be an effective strategy for tackling debt, it’s essential to consider several factors that can influence its success:

  • Home Equity: The amount of equity you have in your home plays a significant role in how much cash you can access through refinancing. The more equity you’ve built in your home, the larger the cash-out loan you can qualify for.
  • Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio: Your LTV ratio is calculated by dividing your outstanding loan balance by your home’s current market value. Most lenders require a maximum LTV of 80 percent for refinancing, which means you’ll need to maintain at least 20 percent equity in your home after the cash-out refinance.
  • Closing Costs: Refinancing comes with closing costs, which are typically 2 percent to 6 percent of the loan amount. These costs can impact the overall financial benefits of a cash-out refinance, so it’s vital to weigh them against the potential debt relief.
  • Interest Rates: Interest rates are another vital component to consider when refinancing. If you can secure a lower interest rate than your current mortgage, the cash-out refinance may be more advantageous for you, as it can potentially save you money over the life of the loan.
  • Credit Score: Your credit score also plays a role in your eligibility for cash-out refinancing. Lenders typically require a minimum credit score for approval, and a higher score could lead to better loan terms. However, paying off high-interest debts with the refinancing proceeds can also help improve your credit score over time.
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Advantages of Using Cash-Out Refinance to Pay Off Debt

Interest Rate Benefits

By using a cash-out refinance, you can potentially benefit from lower interest rates. This means that you can pay off your high-interest debt, like credit cards and personal loans, with the cash you receive from refinancing your mortgage. By doing so, you can save money on interest payments in the long run.

Lower Monthly Payments

Consolidating your debts through a cash-out refinance can lead to lower monthly payments. This is because the interest rates on a mortgage are typically lower than those on other types of debt, allowing you to combine all your debts into a single payment with a lower interest rate.

Potentially Improve Credit Score

Paying off high-interest credit cards and loans with a cash-out refinance can potentially improve your credit score. As you reduce the amount of debt you owe and maintain consistent monthly payments, your credit utilization ratio (the amount of credit you’re using compared to your total credit limit) will decrease, which can positively impact your credit score.

Optimize Finances

A cash-out refinance also allows you to optimize your finances by using the extra cash for various purposes. For example, you can invest in retirement savings, emergency funds or home improvement projects.

Achieve Greater Stability and Flexibility

Using a cash-out refinance to pay off debt can help you achieve greater stability and flexibility in your financial life. By consolidating your debts into a single, lower interest-rate payment, you can enjoy a more predictable monthly payment. You’ll have a clearer understanding of your expenses, which can lead to better financial planning and management.

How to Know If a Cash-Out Refinance is Right for You

Assessing Your Financial Situation

Before considering a cash-out refinance:

  1. Take a moment to assess your financial situation.
  2. Determine your home equity by calculating the market value of your home and subtracting what you still owe on your mortgage.
  3. Evaluate your credit score, as lenders often require a minimum score for refinancing.
  4. Keep in mind that the interest rates for the new loan will depend on your credit score as well as the current mortgage rates.
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Weighing the Pros and Cons

A cash-out refinance can help you consolidate high-interest debts, but it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons. On the positive side, you may be able to access a large sum of money at a lower interest rate compared to credit cards or personal loans. Still, there are downsides, such as increased loan balance and a potentially longer repayment period.

Seeking Professional Advice

To make sure a cash-out refinance is suitable for your situation, consult a financial professional. A trustworthy adviser can help you assess your current debts, interests, and financial goals and recommend the most appropriate course of action. Remember that it’s prudent to compare lenders and their rates and terms before committing to a cash-out refinance.

Making a Responsible Financial Decision

Ultimately, the decision to use a cash-out refinance to pay off debt is yours. Be responsible and avoid using the funds for unnecessary expenses, as this will only increase your debt load. Ensure that your new loan has favorable terms that allow you to manage payments while maintaining a reasonable standard of living. By carefully considering your options, you can make a sound financial decision for your future.

Bottom Line: Should You Cash-Out Refinance to Pay Off Debt?

When considering a cash-out refinance to pay off debt, it is essential to evaluate your current financial situation and your long-term goals. A cash-out refinance allows you to tap into your home’s equity, providing funds to pay off high-interest debt such as credit cards, medical bills or student loans. To determine if this strategy is right for you, consider the following factors:

  • Credit score: Review your credit score and the potential interest rates available for your new loan. A higher credit score often results in favorable loan terms and lower interest rates. If the interest rate on your cash-out refinance is significantly lower than the rates you currently pay, it may make financial sense to consolidate your debt with a cash-out refinance. Remember, closing costs typically range between 2 percent and 6 percent of the loan amount, so factor this into your decision.
  • Risks: Understand the risks associated with using your home as collateral. By opting for a cash-out refinance, you are securing your debt with your home, which can put your property at risk of foreclosure if you fail to make the new loan payments. Furthermore, refinancing may extend the term of your mortgage, which could result in higher overall interest payments over the life of the loan.
  • Financial discipline: Consider your ability to maintain financial discipline after consolidating your debts. Consolidation can offer a fresh start, but it is essential to avoid incurring new debt or continuing poor spending habits that led to the initial debt accumulation. Implementing a budget and committing to responsible financial behaviors will help ensure long-term success.

It is equally important to compare a cash-out refinance to other debt consolidation options, such as home equity loans or second mortgages. While these alternatives may also allow you to borrow against your home’s equity, they typically have different terms and interest rates. Assess which option is most suitable for your financial situation and aligns with your personal goals.

If you’re facing credit challenges, Top Flite Financial is here to help. As an industry leader for credit-challenged homeowners, Top Flite Financial offers cash-out refinances so you can pull equity from your home and convert it into cash. With this loan option, you can pay off your debts or use the money for other expenses. Submit a few answers on the questionnaire online to contact a mortgage refinance expert from the Top Flite Financial team to review your options.

Ultimately, deciding whether a cash-out refinance is right for you depends on various factors, including your credit score, current mortgage rate, financial discipline, and long-term goals. By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can make an informed decision on the best path to achieve debt-free living.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it a good idea to remortgage to pay off debt?

Remortgaging to pay off debt can be beneficial if the interest rates on the new mortgage are significantly lower than those on your existing debts.
This move could reduce your monthly payments and the amount you’ll pay over time. However, you should be cautious of extending the term of your debt, as it might increase the total interest paid in the long run.

Is it good to refinance your house to pay off debt?

Refinancing your house to pay off debt may be a smart financial move, especially if you qualify for a rate and term refinance with more competitive terms. If so, you could get more affordable monthly mortgage payments and free up room in your budget to expedite the debt repayment process.
A cash-out refinance with favorable terms could also help you meet your debt payoff goals faster. It gives you the funds needed to wipe your debts clean and only focus on one monthly debt payment for your monthly mortgage.

Can you take equity out of your house to pay of debt?

Yes, you can take equity out of your house to pay off debt through a cash-out refinance. This type of mortgage lets you tap into your home equity to borrow more than you currently owe and use the remaining funds to pay off debt. It essentially replaces your current loan with a new one, typically with different terms. That said, It’s vital to have enough equity in your home before moving forward.

Is it good to refinance to consolidate debt?

Refinancing to consolidate debt can help streamline the repayment process. It involves using the proceeds from a cash-out refinance to pay off high-interest debt. You’ll get peace of mind knowing those pesky balances are behind, and you won’t have to worry about making several monthly payments. Instead, you only need to make your monthly mortgage payments. Be sure to conduct a cost-benefit analysis before adopting this approach to confirm it makes financial sense.

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