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Zacks Trade

Online Trading Platform

Zacks Trade is an online and mobile platform to trade stocks and bonds.

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Zacks Trade Products


Zacks Trade Platform

Open an account to trade stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, and more in the Zacks Trade investment platform.

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Why Zacks Trade

Reasonable Fees

Pay a penny per share with a $1 minimum, a small fee to convert currency and get one free withdrawal from your account.

Many Investing Options

Invest not only in the United States but also in global markets in stocks, options, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds and forex.

Research Information

Research the current markets and investment options with subscriptions to free and moderately priced financial resources.

Invest With Zacks Trade

With reasonable fees, Zacks Trade is the best place to start investing and taking that leap into the stock market or try your luck with a mutual fund. In addition, you can use their research options to help you make smart investing decisions.


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